Lost Dreams...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Another day ....

1. First of all, let me say thank to half of my dear friend Borna Mohamad (!!) or Borna himself! for sending me the link to this amazing site. It really made my day so much better! I feel like a whole new person!! It ace your mind. Simply, that man can write!....

2. Then, ladies and gentlemen, let me say thank to my dear OS (Operating System) Lab teacher, who forced me to play "Great Mind" (Fekre Bekr) game after 10 years! He set it my final project!! Wow! What did he really think?! I didn't heard these words (Fekre Bekr) in last 10-15 years!, but now, I have to write a full working game - in a Linux (!!) QT designer - till tomorrow, 9 a.m. sharp!!
So lets all hope another miracle - beside of our being alive everyday(!) [see yesterday article!] - happens and I find this game in some barby shop! And so lord helps me to write the code!.....

3. Today, I was sitting on a couch in the park near my home, actually I was translating the article that other half of my dear friend Borna Mohamad !! (who should be Mohamad!!) - as a our TA or whatever!.. - set 4 my project - 4 my whole Micro Lab mark(!) [It's actually a funny story!, they thought this lab may be boring 4 some of senior guys like me(!) because we're too old!!!!!! But honestly THANX to them! ;) ], - and suddenly I noticed that I'm surrounded by about 3500 years old humans! - of course it's sum of their ages, you genius! - I was shocked! first, I thought they want to use my great mind and greater experiences of my glorious life (!) - but then I noticed, when I was translating, one old guy sat beside me on that special couch, and he wasn't seen over months, and every one of his mates, thought he's dead(!!). And about a 50 ancient but great men and women surrounded us!, so unfortunately, now, I'm so experienced in every detail of every park in this great city and actually I can be specialist in retired persons life.
So, one day if U need any help about these matters, I'm at your service!


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